Monday, May 21, 2012

Munson Creek Falls

Munson Creek Falls
The tallest waterfall in the Oregon Coast Range is Munson Creek Falls at 319 feet. It's located just a tad south of Tillamook off of 101. (No...the above shot is not of the Falls!)

Once you get off the highway, getting to it can be a little bit of a task, meaning dodging around great big potholes.  You have to be on the alert for the obstacle course! 

That's not a complaint it's a warning, it means you have to go slow or you will be replacing axles, tires, front ends and other things if you don't cool it. Plus, you have to be on the lookout for folks coming the opposite way. 'Tis one way traffic with, maybe two turnoffs along a long stretch of road.

Once you get to the parking area, the hike to the Falls is a piece of cake. Viewing the Falls in its entirety is not a piece of cake, however. There is a lot of foliage in the way. You can get a pretty good shot of the top of the Falls though.

Most of the photos here are of Munson Creek and not the Falls. The photo of the Falls I have altered because it looked like every other photo of the Falls that has been posted on the net.

For the techies, I shot bracketed shots with a Pentax DSLR...-2EV-0EV+2EV. Converted RAW and tonemapped in Photomatix and finalized in PSE. In some shots, I have a little blur in the foliage because of wind.

Munson Creek Falls

Munson Creek Falls

Munson Creek Falls

Munson Creek Falls
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